Thursday, February 4, 2010

life in the mississippi by Mark Twain

In the passage Life on the Mississippi Mark Twain describes his dream of being a steamboat man. Mark Twain and his friends wanted to grown up to be pirates and clowns. In all their ambitions faded out and there weren’t allowed to be pirates or clowns. So, all that was left was the “ambition to be a steamboat man” (Mark Twain page 1) which leads to the authors telling this story. This passage makes a lot of sense to me because it is like how we were little kid and we wanted to be everything. When I was a little I always wanted to be a ninja or a panda. Well I am very satisfied to make one of my ambitions to (inside joke). Well during the story Mark Twain lives the live as a steam boat man and becomes a pilot of the boat with another man. The other man is like a god on the ship for his expertise of the river. Mr. Bixby is the name of this amazing man. He navigated through the river with ease leaving everyone in awe of his accomplishment. For, he did this in complete darkness going through the Mississippi river and he told everyone what they needed to do.

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