Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blame it On the Al Al Alcohol!!

I really enjoyed reading Babylon Revisited because it was really easy to understand and was about something that happens everyday in the world. Everyday children are taken away from their parents because of the abuse of alcohol or drugs. In Babylon Revisited, a father is visiting his daughter in Paris but he has bigger plans, and he wants to try to get full custody of her. Charlie's daughter is staying with his sister-in-law, but his wife died and his sister-in-law blames her death on him. Charlie had a drinking problem and finally got things right a began to limit himself to one drink a day and not a sip more. Charlie's request to gain full custody of his daughter is a struggle and not a very pretty thing. Many times this is the case in the world even today and it's really sad because noone ever knows if the parent has changed their ways for good or for just s short time. Charlie has gone through so much and still lives with the blam of his wife's death, all because he locked her out in the snow storm and she got sick. The cause of death was heart problems, but her sister feels that Charlie broke her heart as well. When it all comes down to it, in the end Charlie ends up having to wait longer to get custody. This must be devestating, but it seemed like he really wanted her in his life and that is a huge plus in itself and I believe it will keep him sober and doing all the right things to get her back.


  1. Like Cadet Stiffler says, children get taken away from their parents because of a stupid decision they made. People don't see what they have until its taken away from them. Charlie finally realizes that he loves his daughter, so he tries to get her back. Then he realizes all the mistakes he has made and that it may be to late for him to get her back. He begins only having one drink a day to try and prove to everyone how much he wants her back. Overall I thought Babylon Revisited was a good sorry.

  2. I agree with cadet Stiffler that Charlie, the father, has changed his ways for good. And this change has occured mainly because he has realized that he is liviing for more than himself, he is living for his little girl. Charlie is able to stay sober and handle his job because everytime he thinks about breaking down he remembers his daughter and that is what gets him through even the toughest days. This story could be inspirational to a lot of people out there who are struggling with different issues and sometimes find themselves down.

  3. Cadet Stiffler makes a great job giving us her opinion and a complete summary of the story. I agree with her because the story was a real down to earth one that we can easily relate too which makes it so much easier for us to understand it. The story is kind of sad as we find out that Charlie lost his wife and as a consequence to that he became an alcoholic and lost the custody of his daughter. Is sad when we see situations like this happen because the real victim in all of this is the child who does not deserve to be passing thru all this conflicts. Once things like this happened is so hard to try and go back to what they used to have. Life is short and you got to make the best out of it with your love ones.
