Tuesday, April 6, 2010

sunday morning (EAH)

the woman sits on the porch and is suddenly reminded that she would have gone to church in the past but doesn't go any longer
she thinks of Christ's crucifixion and wonders why we give beauty to god when there is plenty of beauty pleasant in the Earth
Stevens says we should give up the idea of Heaven in order to actually appreciate what we have one earth and stop expecting something beyond the sky(heaven)
the girl says she can be content with the beauty of the earth but wonders what will happen when it is gone because then we will have no promise of heaven to look forward to
she feels as if she needs some form of bliss that will never end
Stevens states that we wouldn't have beauty without death because we need something negative to make us appreciate the positive
the girl wonders why we give heaven credit for all that we have here on earth and refers back to her thoughts of Jesus finally deciding that he did not amazingly rise from the grave and Palestine is just the location of his burial
she accepts the beauty of the earth and realizes that people will live on through nature and is content to simply appreciate the pigeons in the sky

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