Thursday, March 25, 2010

Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town

Anyone lived in a Pretty How Town by E. E. Cumming tells us about the life cycle of the townspeople and some ignored couple. This poem is written down in nine short stanzas. Cummings uses reverse word order and we can even say that he employs reverse word order and almost sentences that does not make sense, play with words and repetitions. Make us visualize the coming and going of the seasons leading lives and circumscribe them and sometimes even be monotonous. In this poem we can see how people dream, get marry, have children and are joyful and full of hope. As we read the poem at first we cannot realize the true meaning, after actually getting deep in the poem we can say that the description of the townsfolk is like a tale about a man and a woman. This man and woman were falling in love. Time goes by and they both die and as a curious fact they get buried right next to each other. As for that we can say that they became one and part of the earth. This was a weird poem as for the plot and the resolution were not that good and clear. Too much love between them and they did not got to live that up and enjoy it.

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