Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Dalliance of Eagles

Walt Whitman’s free verse poetry possesses qualities that other writing from his time does not. He uses imagery as one of his main components of work, which gives readers the sense that they are witnessing the event at that moment in time. In the poem “The Dalliance of Eagles”, Whitman writes about two eagles high in the sky coming together as one, as if they were dancing together. Just tumbling and falling as one because at that point nothing else matters, until they separate. The eagles fight for what they want until the receive it. I believe that this poem has great symbolism and has great meaning behind it. If you want something bad enough you should fight for it. No matter what gets in your way you need to find every way to be successful and accomplish your goal. People are too scared to follow their dreams or fight for something they want, but these eagles make it so easy and carefree that it makes you wonder why you just can’t make it as simple as they are making it. The point is that you need to stop over thinking and over planning how you are going to do something and just do it because it is the right and best thing to do. Live everyday as if it were your last, and accomplish every dream and goal you have ever had.


  1. It sounds like Gonzalez gets a lot of inspiration from this poem, the way she said that it motivated her to go out and grab life for all it is worth and accomplish her goals. I agree with Gonzalez 's interpretation, although it was not how I interpreted the poem my first time reading it, but looking back at the poem again I really like the motivational interpretation. Whitman does a good job with this poem showing the unity and friction of a relationship, which could be between two people or even between a person and the world.

  2. I agree with both Nat and Noel. Nat really brings another point out of the poem. The first time I read the poem I mostly just thought how brave and unique the two eagles are. Nat makes a great point, when you want something bad enough that we should fight for it. Society tends to just quit when something is too hard or involves working for something. We expect everything to come easy to us. Like Nat said, people just need to live life like its their last. We are capable of doing anything with our life.

  3. Natalie makes a good point in saying that he uses imagery in his poem to help the reader imagine. Natalie's comment helped me understand the poem better. The first time I read it I didn't really take in the meaning, but she made it make sense for me when saying that no matter what gets in your way keep going. And pretty much to live in the moment and just go with the flow. Her interpretation made it more clear for me to understand.

  4. As the ones above me have stated how Natalie's point of imagery is very compelling. It creates a better understanding once you can picture the eagles free falling through the air, and follow your heart. I love the idea of going for your dreams and how Natalie relates it to the eagles. This interpretation made it easier to make a different kind of connection to the poem. For example when Natalie writes, "The point is that you need to stop over thinking and over planning how you are going to do something and just do it because it is the right and best thing to do." I made the reference for that moment in time when the eagles are falling through the sky. They are just living in the moment, we as people need to think, but not as far as contemplating everything we do in life.
